3 Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Using energy-efficient light bulbs and purchasing the latest in appliances can only help you improve your home’s energy efficiency so much. Making your home eco-friendly doesn’t have to involve a significant investment of time or energy. Simple tips can get you on the way toward your goals. For Arlington Heights, Illinois, residents, our experts here at Tempco Heating & Air Conditioning offer the following advice for creating a more eco-friendly home.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are a great place to start when boosting the energy efficiency of your home. These devices reduce your demands for energy. With a programmable thermostat, you can regulate the temperature and humidity in your home and maximize the performance of your AC or heater. Our professional Tempco team can help you to find the right thermostat for your home’s needs.

Improve Your HVAC System: Go Ductless

The ducts of your HVAC system should be an important part of the criteria if you are trying to make your home eco-friendlier. When ducts leak treated air, you are wasting energy and throwing away money since your system has to work harder to keep your home cool. You can choose to have your ducts professionally sealed, or you can go ductless altogether. With ductless cooling, you can set the temperature for different zones throughout your home which means less energy is wasted on unoccupied areas. A ductless system not only boosts the efficiency of your home, but it also provides the added benefit of better air quality.

Follow a Maintenance Checklist

How do you know if small components of your HVAC system are not in proper working order? By signing up for regular maintenance from our experts here at Tempco Heating & Air Conditioning, you can ensure that your HVAC systems are running smoothly. At peak performance, these systems can save your home a great deal of energy and repair costs.

If you would like to learn more from the skilled technicians at Tempco Heating & Air Conditioning about creating an eco-friendly home, give us a call today at (847) 670-7000. We will help you improve the performance and energy-saving ability of your HVAC systems.