
Check Your Furnace Before Winter

Check Your Furnace Before Winter

Winters in Chicagoland, make us thankful that we live in an age where we have a furnace to keep us nice and warm. We are so used to them now that we rarely give thought to the machines that make our homes warm and inviting. We do consider them, however, when they suddenly stop doing their job. The following are reasons to have your furnace checked before winter.


Being proactive and scheduling maintenance means addressing potential problems on your terms and schedule instead of dealing with the inconvenience of an unexpected breakdown. By maintaining your HVAC system regularly, you can avoid sudden equipment failure, waking up to a cold home and the cost of emergency repairs.


Heating systems today are much safer than in the past, but there are still hazards. The first time you turn on your heater, there might be an odor — as if something is burning. Usually, that results from dust and other matter being burned off in the first heating cycle and you may think that there is some electrical problem. There is also a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if the furnace develops a leak. Routine maintenance will ensure the system is clean, and that any leaks are repaired.


A maintained heating system uses less energy than one not adjusted for optimal performance. Getting into the habit of having your heating system inspected at least once per year, will save you money. Identifying problems in your system will ensure your system provides efficient heating when winter arrives.


Many manufacturers will not honor their warranty if you don’t have your system checked regularly. Check your warranty to see if this applies to your system. Then, if you do experience a major problem, your warranty could cover some of these expenses.

Having your furnace inspected regularly gives you peace of mind that your home will be warm during the coming winter months. Our highly dedicated team at Tempco Heating and Air Conditioning Co. has the knowledge and experience to provide the solutions to keep your system in top shape. Give us a call at (847) 670-7000 for more information or to schedule an appointment.